28 Jul 2020
This game has the objectives to make people aware of the dangers at home and introduce prevention measures in schools, public events, or at the beginning of first aid training. The game is developed by the Global First Aid Reference Centre. Materials...
Tags: Game, COVID-19 (Coronavirus), House Fire
08 May 2020
This checklist is intended to assist National Societies to manage responders, both staff and volunteers when preparing for and responding to the Coronavirus outbreak. It is recommended to use this checklist as a suggested consideration point and adap...
Tags: Guidance material, COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
08 Mar 2016
The GDPC together with the IFRC and American Red Cross held a workshop in early March 2016 to initiate a new USAID/OFDA-supported project on prototyping coalition-building approaches in coastal cities in SE Asia and the Pacific. The project will expl...
Tags: Guidance material, Climate Change Adaptation, Urban Preparedness