11 Jan 2023
Anticipatory action (AA) is a growing area of climate and disaster risk management that emphasizes the use of climate services and risk analyses to predict where crises might strike and enable action to prevent or mitigate impacts before disasters oc...
Tags: Research, Climate Change Adaptation
08 Jan 2015
Pacitan is the first district in Indonesia to successfully achieve Open Defecation Free (ODF) status through the Total Sanitation and Sanitation Marketing program or STMB Program. This video illustrates STBM implementation that emphasized empowerment...
Tags: Video, Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH)
26 Nov 2017
CAP Implementation Workshops provide a forum for implementors of CAP and associated organizations to discuss how best to expand adoption of the CAP standard and to share practices among users of the standard. There is no charge to participate and any...
Tags: Report, Early Warning Systems