22 Oct 2018
This report is one of the steps along the way towards developing an Urban Disaster Resilience Road Map and Asia Pacific Urban Disaster Resilience (UDR) Hub. The Roadmap will provide strategic orientation and operational guidance for implementing t...
Tags: Report, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management
03 Jul 2014
Lista de seguridad en caso de tormentas eléctricas fuertes que incluye: ¿Cómo me preparo antes?, ¿Qué hago durante una tormenta eléctrica? y ¿Qué hago después de una tormenta eléctrica?. Spanish
Tags: Guidance material, Thunderstorm
03 Apr 2021
Different guidance material covering the topic of Radiation protection and nuclear from different regions / countries / organisations. The publications cover the basics of radiation protection to different in depth explanations and also provide guida...
Tags: Guidance material, Manual, Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies, Post-Disaster Recovery, Risk Assessment, Shelter