GDPC ToR: Universal First Aid App Feedback Study Consultancy

The Universal First Aid App was established in 2012, designed to be a 3-Phase rollout (pilot, scaling, run-and-maintain). GDPC has been well into Phase 3 for several years and is looking toward the future of the FA app, as both the needs of RCRC national societies and the state of technology have evolved dramatically in the last decade.

In early 2022, the GDPC will redesign its Universal First Aid app. Prior to updating the product, GDPC is seeking to learn from years of experience hosting the original app on its platform. The user feedback of the first generation of the app will prove invaluable to making decisions about what content, features, and functionality to emphasize, enhance, or let go of.

This consultancy will help GDPC to both understand the impact of the existing first aid app product and Inform the rebuild of the FA app and future of App program management taking place in 2022.

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