Guidance Notes School Emergency and Disaster Preparedness UNDRR Regional Office for Asia and Pacific

This publication addresses emergency and disaster preparedness as one important component of disaster risk reduction, which consists of actions intended to increase the copying capacity of people and make them more resilient to disasters. It is aimed at helping school administrators, staff, teachers and students to be prepared in case of emergencies and disasters due to natural hazards (e.g. earthquakes, floods, typhoons, landslides, etc.) or man-made causes (e.g. urban fire, chemical spills, bombs, etc.) to protect themselves from personal injury and loss of life as well as to protect the school property from damage.

The publication is articulated around the four important actions required to undertake school preparedness: (1) to create a school emergency and disaster preparedness committee; (2) to design a school emergency and disaster preparedness plan; (3) to know the responsibilities of stakeholders; and (4) to conduct emergency drills and exercises.

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