21 Nov 2014
The Malawian Red Cross Society, supported by the RC/RC Climate Centre and the Malawi Meteorological Service, have been working with Mphunga village, delivering simple information about climate change and the need for adaptation. As a result the progr...
Tags: Video, Climate Change Adaptation
12 Apr 2015
La señora María Zenteno dirigenta vecinal y coordinadora del equipo comunitario del sector Bellavista, Comuna de Tomé, región del Biobío Chile; nos cuenta como ha sido el desafio de ser una comunidad organizada y conciente de su entorno, donde a...
Tags: Video, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management
23 Sep 2015
This animation explores the basics of collecting, managing and analyzing data with the help of mobile devices. It is narrated by Carol Bothwell of Catholic Relief Services.
Tags: Video, Mobile Technology