12 Dec 2014
http://www.weforum.org The world urbanises at a rate of a million people per week. What challenges does this create? Is there an optimal size for a city? What does this mean for governments and business?
Tags: Video, Infrastructure and Services, Urban Preparedness
08 May 2014
For the Rwandan Red Cross (RRC), the starting point for support was severe food insecurity experienced in Bugesara and Umutara provinces in 1999. Subsequently, the RRC launched a national-level vulnerability and capacity assessment (VCA) to identify ...
Tags: Case Study, Livelihoods and Food Security
26 Sep 2014
The third edition of the United Nations Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR): “From shared risk to shared value: The business case for disaster risk reduction” is a resource for understanding and analyzing global dis...
Tags: Assessment or evaluation, Video, Risk Assessment, Urban Preparedness