Humanitarian action after Nepal earthquake: agenda for IAP, issue no. 131, May 2015

This issue of focuses on the theme of humanitarian action after the Nepal earthquake. The ISDR Asia Partnership (IAP) is committed to effective implementation of the SFDRR in Asia Pacific region and the Nepal earthquake represents significant challenges to this. As South Asia grapples with yet another disaster, the humanitarian community needs to draw important lessons for an effective response and recovery.

This issue’s contents includes: (i) Earthquake in Nepal: beyond loss and damage; (ii) Nepal earthquake: challenges to be addressed; (iii) AIDMI’s relief activities post Nepal earthquake; (iv) Nepal earthquake and its impact on heritage sites; (v) Disaster research: the quest for the new normal; (vi) Nepal earthquake: top thirteen “not to do’s”; (vii) Emergency response and relief work in Nepal: reaching the last; (viii) Dhaka prepared for earthquake that damaged Kathmandu; and (ix) UNOCHA: South Asian voices shape future humanitarian action.

Humanitarian action after Nepal earthquake: agenda for IAP

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