05 Jun 2015
The heaviest flooding in over a decade to hit southern Mozambique has affected almost 250,000 people and destroyed towns and livelihoods. The floods have claimed 113 lives, which is still far fewer than similar floods in 2000 when over 900 people die...
Tags: Video, Flood, Livelihoods and Food Security
18 Oct 2013
This report examines the relationship between disasters and poverty. It concludes that, without concerted action, there could be up to 325 million extremely poor people living in the 49 countries most exposed to the full range of natural hazards...
Tags: Report, Climate Change Adaptation, Drought, Flood
13 Aug 2024
The accelerating impact of the climate crisis must be an impetus for swift, scaled, and holistic efforts to reinforce community resilience across Bangladesh. Insights from a new evaluation report illustrate what can be achieved, and may serve as insp...
Tags: Assessment or evaluation, Climate Change Adaptation, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management