23 Oct 2013
The purpose of the Trainer’s manual is to prepare trainers to facilitate the behavior change communication (BCC) for community-based volunteers training. The information in this manual is intended to help prepare users to facilitate the BCC learnin...
Tags: Guidance material
28 Feb 2016
The RE.bound initiative has been developed by Rockefeller Foundation, Swiss Re, Goldman Sachs and RMS to link risk transfer coverage for cities with financing for resilient infrastructure. The initiative is developing an innovative version of catas...
Tags: Guidance material, Risk Transfer and Disaster Management
27 Oct 2013
The Great ShakeOut is a once a year earthquake drill first held in California in 2008 to raise awareness across all segments of the community. Participation has since spread around the globe and an increasing numebr of communities take part every yea...
Tags: Guidance material, Earthquake