15 May 2020
Find the following resources about Public Health Response: HOME CARE Home-Based Care Reference Guide for COVID-19 (CORE Group). Red Cross Red Crescent home care for coronavirus patients Advice on the use of masks. IFRC guidance on the generalised use...
Tags: Guidance material, COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
16 May 2014
Since the inception of the 9 minimum characteristics of a disaster resilient community in Nepal, there have been many questions by Government, implementing agencies, researchers, and community members on how to operationalise these characteristics. T...
Tags: Guidance material
05 May 2020
This fact sheet is based on: 1) Recommendations captured in the environmental assessment after the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement response to the 2016 Sierra Leone Ebola Virus Disease Epidemic. 2) Learnings from environmental mainstreaming in hu...
Tags: Guidance material