ICRC: Note on the Protection of Migrants in the face of COVID19

As the COVID-19 pandemic expands, States are facing an exceptional public health challenge, compelling them to adopt increasingly stringent measures. Against such a backdrop, the management of migratory movements adds another layer of complexity to ensuring that migrants1 are not disproportionately affected both by the pandemic itself, and by the various measures legitimately adopted by States to respond to it. Numerous governments are already developing innovative and solidarity-based solutions to ensure the inclusion of migrants, irrespective of legal status, in their responses and to abide by their international obligations even in such exceptional times. This paper is intended to assist States in developing effective COVID-19 responses mindful of the specific vulnerabilities and protection needs of migrants, including refugees and others in need of international protection, and to help them reconcile the imperative of protecting public health while ensuring respect for individual rights.

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