IFRC Strategy on Violence Prevention, Mitigation and Response 2011-2020

This Strategy has been prepared by the IFRC to provide specific strategic directions to National Societies and their federation to support the strategic aims and enabling actions of the IFRC Strategy 2020, as each one of them relates to violence prevention, mitigation and response.

The current document observes the following structure:
– Part 1 is an introduction that provides the purpose and scope of the Strategy; defines key concepts and explains the basis of the Strategy
–  Part 2 provides an overview of why violence is a great humanitarian challenge through a description of its impact, categories of vulnerable people, root causes and the inter-relatedness of violence with other humanitarian challenges
– Part 3 defines where we stand now as the IFRC in terms of our statutory and operational framework and activities in the area of violence prevention, mitigation and response
–  Part 4 describes where we are going through an overview of specific, measurable actions targeting each of the strategic aims and enabling actions of Strategy 2020.

– IFRC, 2011


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