28 May 2020
This document, addressed to both National Societies and ICRC RFL teams, provides guidance on data management and how to get beneficiaries’ consent/no objection for the processing of their personal data in time of COVID19, especially regarding the a...
Tags: Guidance material, COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
31 Mar 2021
This resource contains 2 documents on the topic Fukushima/Japan, provided by NIRS (National Institute of Radiological Sciences): Japan’s Challenges Concerning the Domestic and International Implications of TEPCO Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Sta...
Tags: Assessment or evaluation, Awareness material, Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
29 Jun 2015
In recent years, the European higher education community has played an increasingly important role in moving disaster science from a responsive, primarily technical discipline, to a broad, multi-disciplinary movement that seeks to build societal resi...
Tags: Guidance material, Public Awareness and Public Education, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management