23 Oct 2013
The purpose of the Trainer’s manual is to prepare trainers to facilitate the behavior change communication (BCC) for community-based volunteers training. The information in this manual is intended to help prepare users to facilitate the BCC learnin...
Tags: Guidance material
22 Jul 2015
For the millions of Americans who have physical, medical, sensory or cognitive disabilities, emergencies such as fires, floods and acts of terrorism present a real challenge. The same challenge also applies to the elderly and other special needs popu...
Tags: Guidance material
15 Sep 2017
Esta Guía es un documento de orientación estratégica y técnica, elaborado en el contexto de la región de América con la activa participación de todos los Componentes del Movimiento. Complementa -no sustituye- los contenidos de otras herramient...
Tags: Guidance material