Immersive Technologies & Digital Games for School Disaster Preparedness

This research study, commissioned by GDPC and conducted by experts Mandy George and Estela Oliva, was completed in August 2019.
It presents the current SBDRR and XR technological landscape, analyses the shortcomings of traditional forms of SBDRR and how XR has the potential to address these. It also synthesises and presents a range of learning on the inception, design, production, distribution, partnership models and scalability of a full range of XR technologies from gaming apps used on mobile phones to augmented reality applications that have the potential to turn schools into disaster zones in seconds. The research stresses the enormous potential of XR for SBDRR alongside cautioning that any use of XR must not recreate DRR education as it already is, but utilise the unique affordances of the technology to bring added value to what is already in practice with other learning modalities. The technological landscape is examined in light of the realities of the RCRC Movement with an emphasis on the potential for scalability across multiple National Societies. A series of possible models, learning points and recommendations are presented that aim to benefit the Global Disaster Preparedness Centre (GDPC) and the broader disaster preparedness and risk reduction community and contribute to determining the next strategic XR steps of the Red Cross Movement in school disaster preparedness and risk reduction.