Inclusive Framework and Toolkit for Community-based Disaster Risk Reduction in Myanmar

This resource aims to provide relevant and practical guidance to DRR practitioners (policy and program colleagues), on how to ensure inclusion – particularly of vulnerable groups – in Community-Based DRR (CBDRR) initiatives in Myanmar. It comprises an overall Framework for inclusive CBDRR and a number of tools/resources including: 1) a checklist for inclusion in the 7 steps of the CBDRR process, 2) a guideline for documenting inclusion, 3) a template for assessing inclusion and 4) a compendium of tools and guidelines relevant to inclusive CBDRR.
The Inclusive Framework and Toolkit for Community-Based DRR in Myanmar is a resource produced by the Myanmar Consortium for Community Resilience (MCCR), a consortium led by ActionAid, with ACF, HelpAge, Oxfam, Plan and UN-Habitat.
Myanmar Consortium for Community Resilience (MCCR), 2015.
Inclusive Framework and Toolkit for Community-based Disaster Risk Reduction in Myanmar, View tool 1: Checklist for Inclusion, View tool 2: Documenting Inclusion, View tool 3: Assessing Inclusion, Resource 1: Compendium of Tools Guidelines,,,,