14 May 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting and destroying the livelihoods of individuals and communities across the world. The Help Desk offers specific livelihoods information and guidance incorporating the threat and impact of COVID-19 to National Societ...
Tags: Guidance material, COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Livelihoods and Food Security
19 Jun 2017
El propósito de este breve manual, destinado a los responsables de comunicación y promoción de las Sociedades Nacionales, es destacar determinados cauces mediante los que las Sociedades Nacionales podrían difundir el Informe Mundial sobre Desastr...
Tags: Guidance material
05 Jan 2023
In this resource, several training documents from nine sessions on Environmental Emergencies Training are made available. Session no. 02: Environment and Emergencies Introduction.
Tags: Guidance material, Training material, Community Engagement and Accountability