Infrastructure and Urban Development

The world urbanises at a rate of a million people per week. What challenges does this create? Is there an optimal size for a city? What does this mean for governments and business?

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Guidance material
16 Jul 2014
The Urban Risk Assessment presents a flexible, cost-effective approach that project and city managers can use to identify feasible measures to assess a city’s risk. The methodology focuses on three reinforcing pillars that collectively contribute t...
Tags: Guidance material, Risk Assessment, Urban Preparedness
17 Apr 2015
Tropical typhoons, also known as cyclones or hurricanes, are a fierce combination of powerful rotational winds and torrential rainfall. These powerful storms often destroy or seriously weaken buildings and can cause huge waves that result in floods b...
Tags: Video, Hurricane / Typhoon / Cyclone
14 Aug 2013
A handbook to provide “mayors, governors, councillors and other local government leaders with a generic framework for risk reduction and points to good practices and tools that are already being applied in different cities for that purpose.R...
Tags: Report, Infrastructure and Services, Urban Preparedness
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