14 Apr 2015
Each note is part of a series of guidance notes on gender issues in disaster risk management (DRM). Grounded in extensive field work in Lao PDR and Vietnam, and drawing on the significant amount of material already available, these guidance notes ar...
Tags: Guidance material, Women and Gender in Disaster Management
17 Jul 2014
This manual is intended to help health professionals and public health coordinators working in emergency situations prevent, detect and control the major communicable diseases encountered by affected populations. Authors: World Health Organization P...
Tags: Guidance material, Communicable Disease
07 Jul 2015
In June 2015, the Red Cross and Red Crescent published “The Red Cross and Red Crescent’s Principled Approach to Innovation” to: Highlight how the Red Cross and Red Crescent’s Fundamental Principles guide its innovative approaches to p...
Tags: Awareness material, Guidance material, Report, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management