Kit de Acción Urbana

El Kit contiene una introducción rápida a conceptos urbanos, seguida de una serie de seis módulos sobre: Comunicaciones creativas, soluciones basadas en la naturaleza, higiene y saneamiento del agua (WASH, por sus siglas en inglés), agricultura urbana, salud y bienestar, acción temprana por advertencia temprana, y ciudades habitables. Cada módulo contiene una breve descripción general del concepto, una serie de actividades, estudios de caso breves y un enlace global. Las actividades se pueden implementar juntas o por sí solas.

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Related Resources

Case Study
12 May 2014
This leaflet provides a review of the accomplishments and remaining tasks of the Pledge Project, which was born in 2007 when the Netherlands government and Red Cross jointly pledged to help a pilot group of National Societies adapt their efforts to r...
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21 Nov 2014
The Coastal Resources Center collaborates with USAID and other partners to carry out natural hazard and climate change vulnerability assessments, put adaptation measures into place and share lessons about what works and what needs to be done. In this...
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Guidance material
21 Jul 2020
WHO Advice on the use of masks in the community, during home care and in healthcare settings in the context of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak. Guidance is available in English, Spanish, Russian, Chinese (simplified), Arabic and Russian be...
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