Mapping Disaster Risk Reduction (MapDRR)

Significant number of disaster risk reduction projects is implemented around the world. Each of these projects can provide guidelines for future projects and can be adopted by other communities if their information is properly shared. These projects can also become a good source of knowledge for teaching and training of future disaster risk reduction professionals. This paper describes a disaster risk reduction mapping project called MapDRR that aims to use Google Fusion Table and Google Map to map disaster risk reduction projects around the world. This system uses advances in cloud database management systems (Google Fusion Table) and Crowd Mapping (Google Map) to add more values to the existing online information about the Disaster Risk Reduction Projects.

The paper describes the first phase of this project that currently includes more than 650 disaster risk reduction projects. These projects have been carried out in many different countries to reduce the risk of various natural, technological, and human made disasters. MapDRR not only enables users to map the overall distribution of the disaster risk reduction projects, but also it helps them to get detail textual and visual information by zooming into google satellite and google street view of each project. In addition, MapDRR will allow the users to add new disaster risk reduction projects and provide comments about the existing recorded projects. MapDRR is an ongoing project that is being developed and enhanced continuously.

United Nations office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), York University, 2016.

MapDRR Tool: Mapping Disaster Risk Reduction (MapDRR) Webpage

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