Mass Displacement Host Cities and Urban Systems

This publication from ARUP aims to help host cities to further understand and improve their capacity to effectively manage rapid arrivals from displacement events by:

  • Exploring what works in different contexts (initiatives that respond to the challenges that cities face);
  • Exploring how city systems differ under pressure (including system actors, connections, assets, laws).
  • Developing an analytical framework to collect and analyse current and future city initiatives.
The research employs an urban systems resilience lens to explore how cities manage mass arrivals. This lens considers the relationship and dependencies between different urban systems (e.g. energy, water, economic, socio-cultural etc.) and their actors, assets, knowledge, behaviours and finance and governance structures. Changes are systemic and dynamic (i.e. changes in one element of the system may induce changes in another element). It encourages cities to think holistically about the challenges they face and to employ a fully-coordinated strategic response.
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