Numbers for Development: Latin America

Since the launch of the open data portal, Numbers for Development, the number of unique datasets created and compiled by IDB specialists in the Specialized Dataset section has been growing. The following 4 datasets are ideal for those working in development, especially in Latin America.

Emerging and Sustainable Cities Initiative: Indicator Values

  • Years Covered: 1995-2015
  • Description: Explore and compare more than 150 quantitative indicators, public opinion polls and interactive maps of intermediate cities in Latin America and the Caribbean. These are cities that have an outstanding economic and population growth, and receive technical assistance from the Emerging and Sustainable Cities Initiative (ESCI) of the IDB. This dataset was created to feed the platform. It contains all the cities indicators values, sources and year. This dataset is unique because it is made up of survey data gathered by the IDB.


2009-2014 Infrascope Index for Latin America and the Caribbean

  • Publication
  • Years Covered: 2009, 2010, 2012, 2014
  • Description: This benchmarking index is a learning tool that evaluates the legal, regulatory and operating environments for Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) in transport, water/sanitation and electricity infrastructure for 19 Latin American and Caribbean countries. The analysis and scores in the model provide a comparable assessment of individual countries’ readiness and facility for PPP project design and implementation.  It is unique because it is includes a wide range of sources, such as industry analysis and interviews with regional experts.


Structural Fiscal Balances Database for Latin American and the Caribbean

  • Publication
  • Years covered: 1990-2013
  • Description: It allows you to estimate structural fiscal balances for 20 countries in the region under different assumptions regarding the output gap and commodity structural prices. It is a unique database because 1) It takes into consideration the distinct responsiveness of different types of revenues to changes in the output gap. 2) It includes estimations of SFBs based on output gaps’ projections available in “real time”. 3) It allows assessing the response of fiscal policy to the business cycle.


Development in the Americas

  • Description: Development in the Americas (DIA) is the flagship publication of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). Each year, the IDB presents an in-depth research report on one of the major economic and social challenges facing Latin America and the Caribbean. Over the past nine years, the subjects covered have ranged from productivity, housing, and debt to productive policies, quality of life and taxes. The datasets for each DIA are available in Specialized Datasets.

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