Operational Business Continuity Plan- Risk assessment Matrix

Use this Risk Assessment Tool to help in risk evaluation. It helps you calculate risks quickly by identifying the risks and weighing the potential damage. This makes it easy to prioritize problems.
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Guidance material
19 May 2016
El sistema humanitario está buscando cada vez más recursos para salvar más vidas. El número de desastres naturales y provocados está en aumento, al igual que la brecha entre los recursos requeridos y los disponibles para ayudar a aquellas person...
Tags: Guidance material, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management
Case Study, Guidance material
20 Feb 2015
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC) is responding to urban plight in the Americas Zone through the Secretariat’s launch of urban risk, migration, climate change and violence as thematic focus areas for integrated zone ...
Tags: Case Study, Guidance material, Urban Risk Reduction
Assessment or evaluation, Awareness material, Guidance material
27 Jul 2017
The Checklist on Law and Disaster Risk Reduction (the Checklist) provides a prioritized list of ten key questions that lawmakers, implementing officials, and those supporting them need to consider in order to ensure that their laws provide the best s...
Tags: Assessment or evaluation, Awareness material, Guidance material, Disaster Law
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