Participatory Video on climate change and disaster preparedness, Belize

Location: Stann Creek, Belize
In September 2012, the Belizian Red Cross helped facilitate a group of community members and volunteers in Stann Creek District, Southern Belize, to produce a participatory video to inspire community preparedness in the context of climate change. 
The community producers did 10 interviews in three different villages featuring local stories on disasters, the need to prepare, change and response, all in the context of climate change.
After editing the footage on a participatory approach, with the support of the local Red Cross team, the video was taken to Independence town, 100 Km South, for a community screening. After the film, there was a short debate on the lessons learned by the viewers. They understood quiet well that even though they had never suffered similar impacts, climate change is already happening and they better start getting organized and prepared.
A project by IFRC, facilitated by Proplaneta.

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