Community Stories – RITA Program


Resilience in the Americas (RITA) is implemented by Red Cross National Societies in 8 countries in Latin America, with technical support from the American Red Cross. The focus of the program is to work alongside communities to strengthen their resilience in face of disasters. At the same time, RITA is also designed to strengthen the capacity of national societies in the Americas region.

RITA focuses on ensuring that communities are able to define their priorities and vulnerabilities through an initial assessment. It then supports communities in addressing their vulnerabilities in an integral manner, by looking at a variety of factors, including but not limited to disaster risk reduction, health care, environment, livelihoods, and infrastructure, among others.

Because RITA is a community-led program, National Societies gathered video testimonials from community leaders and members in the different countries where RITA is implemented. Below are some of the community stories that they shared. 

Chile: Hantavirus Prevention

Colombia: Developing Community Resilience Together

Ecuador: Choferes Sportman Community

Nicaragua: Waste Management

Panama: Working for a Healthier, Cleaner Community

Peru: HIV/AIDS Prevention Campaign

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