Participatory video on community adaptation to climate change, Macedonia

Location: Kriva Palanka, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
In November 2012, the Red Cross of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia helped facilitate a group of community members and volunteers in Kriva Palanka to produce a participatory video to highlight their work with communities on climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction and preparedness. 
The community producers conducted interviews in different mountain villages featuring local stories on approaches to adapt to changes in the climate and the need to prepare.
After editing the footage on a participatory approach, with the support of the local Red Cross team, the Red Cross volunteers and the Kriva Palanka branch organized a special film screening on the local TV channel. The community producers gathered with other in a local café to watch life the transmission. After the video was broadcasted, some of the viewers were interviewed about their thoughts on the messages. They “learned a lot with messages made by local people like us”.
A project by IFRC, facilitated by Proplaneta.

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