People affected by conflict: Humanitarian needs in numbers

A report summarizing findings on people affected by conflict (PAC) from a collection of 2012 CE-DAT surveys. In 2012, we estimate that more than 172 million people were affected by conflict worldwide. Of this total, 149 million or 87% were conflict-affected residents (CARs). Internally displaced persons (IDPs) accounted for another 18 million and refugees for five million. The global total is higher because our figures only include 24 countries for which comparable and validated data are available.

These numbers represent the first systematic attempt to produce objective and comparable figures for all PAC. Our methods are transparent and reproducible over time and across countries, and our results are designed to be sufficiently detailed to be useful to decision-makers, policy advisors and members of the public alike.


People affected by conflict: Humanitarian needs in numbers

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