08 May 2020
These guidelines are designed to support Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies to develop child-friendly protection messages and tools in response to COVID-19 for children (people under the age of 18 years)
Tags: Awareness material, Guidance material, COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
07 May 2020
National Societies are increasingly requesting technical assistance and guidance to develop, mainstream and institutionalize CTP preparedness. The majority of National Societies have already established general preparedness and contingency plans. Act...
Tags: Guidance material, COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Livelihoods and Food Security
10 May 2020
Find the following resources about Personal Protective Equipment: MASKS IFRC guidance on the generalised use of cloth face masks during the COVID-19. Languages: EN, SP, FR, AR, PT (1), PT(2), RU. IFRC guidance on the use of face masks during the pand...
Tags: Guidance material, COVID-19 (Coronavirus)