Preparing for Disasters with Mr. Radar – Video Animation

Preparing for Disasters with Mr. Radar is a video animation produced in English and Thai language in order to promote learning among children in Thailand on immediate and long-term climate risks.

Through this animation, children as part of community are informed to act in preparation for future disasters, and their knowledge will have long-term relevance to contribute to the safety and well-being of their communities. In a wider scale, the animation could help empower the community to take disaster risk reduction, preparedness and resilience actions.

The animation is also available in Thai with subtitles in English, accessible from:

Preparing for Disasters with Mr. Radar is also available in comic books, accessible in English and in Thai language from this link:


YouTube link: Preparing for Disasters with Mr. Radar – English version, Thai subtitles, Information and Education Materials from IFRC South-East Asian Regional Delegation , IFRC Website

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