21 Apr 2015
Module 5: Disaster Risk Reduction & Reconceiving The Road To Recovery The final module focuses on the importance of incorporating DRR into S&S activities, and its importance in saving lives, reducing suffering, and reducing the economic and s...
Tags: Training material, Video
17 Jun 2015
Staff and volunteers across the globe provide important psychosocial support every day. Not only in response to disasters, armed conflicts and mass shootings, but also in social programmes for slum-dwellers, with victims of violence or accidents, wit...
Tags: Training material, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
06 Mar 2021
El Kit contiene una introducción rápida a conceptos urbanos, seguida de una serie de seis módulos sobre: Comunicaciones creativas, soluciones basadas en la naturaleza, higiene y saneamiento del agua (WASH, por sus siglas en inglés), agricultura u...
Tags: Guidance material, Training material, Urban Preparedness