13 Dec 2017
Background: Increasing numbers of the globe’s poor and vulnerable peoples are to be found in urban environments facing a complex web of risk and vulnerabilities. Along with the government, international development and humanitarian agencies and...
Tags: Guidance material, Urban Preparedness
01 Apr 2014
Case studies of the VCAs undertaken in Armenia, 2010. The locations include: Arapi; Azatan; Beniamin; Mets Mantash; Nor Kyanq; Panik; Pemzashen; Sarnaghbyur.
Tags: Report
06 Mar 2021
El Kit contiene una introducción rápida a conceptos urbanos, seguida de una serie de seis módulos sobre: Comunicaciones creativas, soluciones basadas en la naturaleza, higiene y saneamiento del agua (WASH, por sus siglas en inglés), agricultura u...
Tags: Guidance material, Training material, Urban Preparedness