Regreso a casa después de un huracán o inundación

Prepararse para volver a casa después de una evacuación le mantendrá más seguro además de realizar inspección y la limpieza de los daños a su casa. Antes de viajar, asegúrese de que los funcionarios locales hayan declarado que es seguro entrar en su comunidad y que dispone de los materiales necesarios.

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Guidance material
02 Feb 2015
Over the past decades, few concepts have gained such prominence as  resilience, the capacity of a system to deal with change and continue to develop. There has been an explosion of research into ways to promote or undermine the resilience of  ...
Tags: Guidance material, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management
Guidance material
28 Jul 2020
First Responders & Transporting staff should wear: • Medical/surgical mask (suspected or confirmed covid-19 cases) • Gowns/Tyvek suit (suspected or confirmed covid-19 cases) • Examination Gloves (always) • Eye protection (suspected or con...
Tags: Guidance material, COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
Guidance material
06 May 2020
The use of medical masks, respirators, and other face coverings is a widely discussed intervention in the response to COVID-19. There is no strong evidence either in favor of or against the widescale use of masks by members of the general public. WHO...
Tags: Guidance material, COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
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