16 Jul 2014
This publication addresses the need to focus more on mitigating risks and preparing for floods, rather than simply dealing with the consequences after a flood occurs, in order to reduce flood losses and help communities in both developed and developi...
Tags: Report, Flood, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management, Risk Assessment
26 Jun 2020
The Asia Pacific Disaster Resilience Centre invites the 2nd International Forum and Disaster Resilience on the topic: “COVID-19: Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience and its Framework” Date: 3 July 2020 Time: 13:00 – 18h30 (GMT+9,...
Tags: Other type of resource, COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Resilience and Disaster Risk Management
21 Oct 2020
Held in Antalya from Nov. 04th until Nov. 11th 2017 with the support of the Turkish Red Crescent The 21st session of the GA and the statutory meeting is a platform for National Societies to discuss the strategic direction of the RC movement for the c...
Tags: Report, Shelter