RFP – Community Impact Study of The Pillowcase Project


The Red Cross Global Disaster Preparedness Center (GDPC) seeks to conduct a community impact study of The Pillowcase Project– a youth preparedness program. The GDPC is interested in examining learning from the informal educational activities across two country contexts and its aim of empowering youth knowledge sharing. The long-term community impact study will examine success factors of The Pillowcase Project’s content and delivery as they contribute beyond the classroom and to the wider scope of community resilience.

The GDPC, with sponsorship from the Walt Disney Company, supported the international adaption of the American Red Cross’ The Pillowcase Project. Building off program success in the United States, the GDPC and American Red Cross developed a core curriculum allowing Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies to contextualize the project for use in their countries. Through a 60-80 minute lesson to primary school students, the program covers three core components: learning about a local hazard, practicing preparedness actions, and decorating a pillowcase as an “emergency go-bag.” Through a framework of “Learn, Practice, Share,” the pillowcase is intended as a catalyst for youth to share learning with families and communities following the presentation.

The Pillowcase Project has been implemented by seven Red Cross National Societies to date: Australia, Hong Kong, Mexico, Peru, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Vietnam. A comparative review was completed in July 2017 that focused on in-depth analysis of the adaptation of curriculum and contextualized approaches across National Society implementation. It is now of interest to examine longer-term impacts of The Pillowcase Project within the household and community, in particular regards to the “Share” focus of its framework.

For further details on the project background, scope of work, timeline and deliverables please consult the Terms of Reference.

For questions, please send an email to bonnie.haskell@redcross.org specifying ‘Community Impact Study – Inquiry’ in the subject line.


Please send a full application to bonnie.haskell@redcross.orgspecifying ‘Community Impact Study [Name/Organization] [Date]’ in the subject line. The proposal will be evaluated on the listed requirements and should include the following:

1. Background statement on organization or individual;

2. Curriculum Vitae for key staff as applicable to the project;

3. Brief statement on the proposed deliverables, including detailed work plan;

4. Detailed budget, including cost breakdown per major activity

The closing date for submission is June 17, 2018.

Only complete submissions will be considered.

More information on The Pillowcase Project

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