RFP – Comparative Review of The Pillowcase Project


The Global Disaster Preparedness Center (GDPC), a joint venture of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and American Red Cross, works with the Red Cross and Red Crescent (RC/RC) network in development and delivery of youth disaster preparedness education.

The GDPC is currently implementing an international pilot of The Pillowcase Project, a youth preparedness program designed and used by American Red Cross domestic chapters.  With support from the Walt Disney Company beginning in 2014, The Pillowcase Project has expanded to Australia, Hong Kong, Mexico, Peru, United Kingdom, and Vietnam.  The program’s 60-90 minute disaster preparedness lesson, which is delivered by Red Cross staff and volunteers, is designed to teach students (ages 8-11) about local hazards, basic psychosocial coping skills, and general preparedness actions.  The curriculum aims to empower children with the confidence and skill-set to take appropriate actions in reducing the potential impact of disaster. Over the past two years, the national societies have explored the scalability of The Pillowcase Project’s modular design. 

To validate and further inform the program model that will allow for successful implementation by any RC/RC national society, the GDPC is looking to collaborate with research partners in a ‘Comparative Review of The Pillowcase Project.’  The findings will help guide future Pillowcase Project developments, adaptability, and integration within national contexts and ultimately within The Comprehensive School-Safety Framework.

For further details on the project background, scope of work, timeline and deliverables please consult the Terms of Reference. 

For questions please send an email to bonnie.haskell@redcross.org specifying ‘Comparative Review of The Pillowcase Project’ in the subject line.

How to apply:

To apply, please send complete proposals (template attached) to bonnie.haskell@redcross.org, specifying ‘Comparative Review of The Pillowcase Project, [Institution], [Date]’ in the subject line.  The proposal will be evaluated on the listed requirements and should include the following:

1.       Proposed methodology and analytical approach with demonstrated understanding of TOR;

2.       CV/Résumé and biography with past experience applicable to the project;

3.       Concise work plan;

4.       Detailed budget broken down by activities.

Application deadline: Wednesday December 2, 2015. 

Only complete submissions will be considered.

More information about the Pillowcase Project

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