11 Oct 2013
Series of reports on infrastructure resilience following Hurricane Sandy. Northeastern University, George J. Kostas Research Institute for Homeland Security, August, 2013. Online version of report http://www.northeastern.edu/kostas/wp-content/uploads...
Tags: Assessment or evaluation, Hurricane / Typhoon / Cyclone, Infrastructure and Services, Post-Disaster Recovery
20 Nov 2014
In a disaster, information can be as valuable as water, food or shelter. The Red Cross is using tools such as radio and SMS to provide people with simple but life-saving information that can help them to prepare for, survive and then recover from fut...
Tags: Video, Communication As Aid
24 Jun 2015
Be Prepared, a Disaster Song by Swipe, Eclipse & Avonni from GBSS School from Grenada has eventually been released! More songs will follow after the final of the Song Competition Spice it up – Sing for Preparedness, on June 23rd at the G...
Tags: Video, Youth Disaster Preparedness