Sel Risk Yönetimi

Sel, heyelan ve çığlara hazırlıklı olma, önleme ve zarar azaltma hakkında genel hatları ile bilgi verilen bir makale.  

İTÜ, Afet Yönetim Merkezi

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Related Resources

Guidance material
23 Jun 2014
تعتبر الفيضانات من الكوارث الطبيعية الأكثر وقوعا وكلفة. الحالات التي تسبب في وقوع الفيضانات تشمل الأمطار الغزيرة أو المتواصلة للعديد من ...
Tags: Guidance material, Flood
Case Study
10 Jun 2020
The objective of this document is to disseminate the experience of the Spanish Red Cross (Spanish RC) in the face of the importation of large volumes of humanitarian aid during the emergency phase in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, so that it can ...
Tags: Case Study, COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
Assessment or evaluation, Research
01 Dec 2023
Climate vulnerability and change can have significant impacts on regional, national, and local development efforts. In order to reduce these impacts and promote climate-resilient development, decision and development practitioners need to understand ...
Tags: Assessment or evaluation, Research, Climate Change Adaptation, Community Risk Assessment, Drought, Flood, Landslide
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