Sel Risk Yönetimi

Sel, heyelan ve çığlara hazırlıklı olma, önleme ve zarar azaltma hakkında genel hatları ile bilgi verilen bir makale.  

İTÜ, Afet Yönetim Merkezi

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Related Resources

Guidance material
10 Aug 2020
Strategies for a safe and sufficient blood supply during a pandemic. Find in the document some suggested strategies that blood services and other agencies (ie. WHO, AABB, ISBT) have found beneficial during COVID-19.
Tags: Guidance material, COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
Guidance material, Video
21 Jan 2015
The Rapid Assessment for Markets (RAM) is an instrument allowing humanitarian practitioners with limited market expertise and time to develop a rapid and basic understanding of key markets within the first few days after a shock.   The RAM is desi...
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22 Aug 2013
Recognizing the need for cross-border collaboration for the benefit of the Rhine and of all waters running into the Rhine, the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (ICPR) is comprised of nine states and regions in the Rhine waters...
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