13 Nov 2013
The purpose of this guideline is to provide guidance to the National Societies on effectively enhancing and supporting Early Warning Systems (EWS) in their respective countries, particularly at the community level. This publication is meant to iden...
Tags: Guidance material, Early Warning Systems
07 Aug 2015
In April 2010, when 52 National Societies in the Europe Zone gathered in Vienna for the 8th European Red Cross Red Crescent Conference, they collectively committed to moving forward in preventing, mitigating and addressing the vulnerabilities that ma...
Tags: Guidance material
17 Jul 2014
The purpose of this document is to provide a standard framework and best current practice for implementation of an Early Warning and Response Network (EWARN) and its operation in the field, following humanitarian emergencies. These guidelines are int...
Tags: Guidance material, Communicable Disease, Early Warning Systems