The human face of climate change

The human face of climate change

Climate change has been at the forefront of international debate with a focus on the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. The social and humanitarian implications of climate change, however, are only beginning to be brought to public and political attention as a systemic issue of deep concern. The adverse impact of climate change primarily affects the world’s poorest and most vulnerable; the very people who contribute the least to climate change suffer the most — a striking injustice.

Climate change is likely to trigger, or at least constitute a key factor in an increasing number of humanitarian crises worldwide. The immediate and most visible consequences of climate change are more frequent and intense weather events such as storms and flooding. In addition, and probably more importantly in terms of scale, slower-onset disasters, such as climate-change-driven water stress or rising sea levels caused by melting polar ice and shrinking glaciers or higher global temperatures, are already being felt in many parts of the world, and in particular by millions of people in poor and marginalized communities.

Climate change has a negative impact on sustainable development and on progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015. Water stress in the form of severe drought, dwindling groundwater sources, and changing rain patterns is dramatically aggravating food scarcity in a number of already vulnerable zones. Rising sea levels could submerge island nations and flood entire coastal areas, putting millions of people at risk.

The humanitarian impact of climate change is likely to be among the biggest humanitarian challenges in years and decades to come. Action so far has been slow and inadequate compared with needs.

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Year: 2008
Duration: 30 minutes 18 seconds

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