The Right to the City for Urban Displaced Residents of Dar es Salaam (IRC)

This report published by IRC provides a review of the Barriers to Safe and Equal Access
to the City for the Displaced Residents of Dar es Salaam.
Urbanisation is changing the nature of humanitarian response. In the 21st century,
the phenomenon is most prevalent in developing countries; it is estimated that cities in
developing countries will account for 96 per cent of urban population growth between
2013 and 2030.1 Today, 80 per cent of all refugees worldwide are found in developing countries
and 60 per cent of the global refugee population, or 36 million refugees, reside in urban areas.23
As urbanisation continues, these refugees increasingly find themselves in competition
with economic migrants and with long-term urban residents for access to public services
and economic opportunities in cities and towns. The struggle of urban dwellers to access
services and economic opportunities is best encapsulated using Henri Lefebvre’s concept
of the Right to the City,4 which provides a social lens through which to analyse the relative
enjoyment of rights and access that different marginalised populations have to the city.

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