16 Jul 2014
This paper was produced to coincide with the first anniversary of some of the worst floods to affect central Europe in recent memory. It focuses on flood resilience in Germany, looking at the 2013 floods, and comparing them with the floods of 2002. W...
Tags: Report, Flood, Risk Assessment
08 Mar 2016
The GDPC together with the IFRC and American Red Cross held a workshop in early March 2016 to initiate a new USAID/OFDA-supported project on prototyping coalition-building approaches in coastal cities in SE Asia and the Pacific. The project will expl...
Tags: Guidance material, Climate Change Adaptation, Urban Preparedness
21 Jul 2015
This reports highlights the findings from a research project conducted by Jimma University, Ethiopia in response to the ‘Preparedness and Resilience Research’ small grants program (Phase I) implemented by Response 2 Resilience InstituteÂ...
Tags: Report, Research