UNDP and the Hyogo Framework for Action

This report outlines UNDP’s engagement in implementing the HFA and highlights the results that it has achieved in the years 2005–2014. Based on the report, ‘Protecting Development from Disasters: UNDP’s Support to the Hyogo Framework for Action, it includes updated information in terms of countries in which the organization has worked and the range of its activities.

The report examines the work of UNDP at both global and regional levels, through the investment it has made in DRR and the activities it has undertaken, in the three strategic areas of understanding and communicating risk, reducing risk and managing the remaining risk. This is followed by country examples that highlight how UNDP works to deliver on DRR across every kind of context. These examples, identified through a particular intervention in the understanding, reduction or management of risk, provide a snapshot of UNDP’s engagement in that country, and almost always form part of the bigger picture of helping countries to ensure that development is risk-informed. At the end of the report, some of the global initiatives through which UNDP works are outlined, as well as the organization’s work on climate change and especially on climate risk management.

The data for this report are taken largely from a review of UNDP’s DRR portfolio, with certain elements informed by the organization’s recent analysis of disaster risk governance. This is supplemented by direct input from global, regional and national UNDP offices.

United Nations Development Programme, 2015.

UNDP and the Hyogo Framework for Action

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