USAID/OFDA Shelter And Settlements Training Course – Module 2

Module 2: Description Of Humanitarian S&S Activities

This module emphasizes the need to understand local contexts through careful assessment that includes detailed analysis of damage profiles, settlement characteristics, organizational capacities, markets, and various opportunities for sheltering people. As more disasters occur in urban areas, shelter approaches and assessments must recognize the importance of local context and the linkages to longer-term needs. This module also touches on links with related sectors, and the multi-faceted nature of settlements. Some of the key considerations here include markets, regulatory environments, hazards and risks, safety, dignity, protection, and gender.

This course introduces the basics of humanitarian community shelter and settlements (S&S) activities, including some history and trends related to the sector, best practices in assessments and programming strategy, basic shelter responses, the relationship between shelter and its context (settlements), and how to promote the recovery of affected settlements. This training course is based on many years of USAID/OFDA and humanitarian organization experience in S&S activities, so discussions and case studies are based on real-life situations. Discussions are non-technical and geared towards how to develop strategies and options to appropriately deliver humanitarian shelter and settlements assistance. Additionally, the course provides an opportunity for participants to understand the relationship of S&S activities, disaster risk reduction, sectoral activities, and larger trends such as urbanization. This version of the course incorporates participant feedback from over 15 USAID/OFDA S&S training courses conducted in the US, Canada, Costa Rica, Taiwan, and Thailand.

This course is divided into five modules. Each module will take between 45 minutes to an hour to complete.

Module 1: Approach to S&S Activities
Module 2: Description of Humanitarian S&S Activities
Module 3: Shelter
Module 4: Settlements
Module 5: Disaster Risk Reduction & Re-conceiving the Road to Recovery


You can also download all five interactive sessions at the above website for offline use. Please contact with questions and comments.

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