07 May 2015
In March 2014, MSF-Switzerland deployed a dedicated Geographic Information Systems (GIS) officer to Guinea in response to the Ebola outbreak in the south of the country. In support of the epidemiological team, the GIS officer was charged with produci...
Tags: Case Study, Communicable Disease, Mapping and Geospatial Data, Mobile Technology
06 Oct 2015
As stated in the DoW, the earthquakes case study in Turkey focuses on individual, community, and organizational preparedness for earthquakes, and the secondary hazards related to earthquakes (e.g., fires) and other hazards (e.g., floods, landslides, ...
Tags: Case Study, Earthquake
30 Nov 2016
This report features three case studies from the IFRC’s commissioned global study: Unseen, unheard: Gender-based violence in disasters. The first is from Bangladesh, a country with a legacy of cyclical disasters, including cyclones, floods...
Tags: Case Study, Women and Gender in Disaster Management