02 Feb 2019
This document concerns administrative operations for running the “CAP Editor” freeware. CAP Editor is a tool for creating and publishing emergency alerts in the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) format. CAP Editor runs on the Amazon Web Serv...
Tags: Report, Early Warning Systems
16 Nov 2018
Preparación para una Respuesta Eficaz (PER en sus siglas en inglés) es un enfoque cíclico para que una Sociedad Nacional evalúe, mida y analice sistemáticamente las fortalezas y debilidades de su sistema de respuesta a fin de tomar medidas corr...
Tags: Guidance material
26 Nov 2019
Mexico is susceptible to different types of natural hazards, such as droughts in the northern desert zone, frosts in the north- west and north-east, heavy rains in the south, and tropical cyclones in its more than 11,000 kilometres of coastline expos...