07 May 2014
To prepare the population to act safely during unexpected events, the Canadian Red Cross has developed the preparedness program “Expect the Unexpected” to get ready for emergencies. This preparedness program is intended for students, their parent...
Tags: Awareness material, Public Awareness and Public Education
06 Aug 2014
“SNAP!”: A game to elicit word associations Participants get to activate their minds by tapping on their ability to quickly come up with words on a certain theme, listen actively, and react rapidly when something special happens. “Snap!...
Tags: Game, Community Engagement and Accountability, Disaster Preparedness Games
03 Sep 2020
This is the presentation by Konstantine Georgakakos and Randall Banks on 30 September, 2020, at the CAP Implementation Workshop hosted by ITU as a video conference.
Tags: Report, Early Warning Systems