21 Nov 2014
Location: Nezahualcóyotl, MexicoIn November 2012, the Mexican Red Cross Youth helped a group of 12 school children age 11-12 to produce a participatory video about climate change.This activity was part of the Procclima program which educates childre...
Tags: Video, Climate Change Adaptation
12 May 2014
Both China and Cambodia are prey to natural disasters affecting the lives and livelihoods of millions of people. To help vulnerable communities prepare for and withstand such disasters, the National Societies are implementing community-based disaster...
Tags: Case Study
24 Mar 2016
Environmental and climatic factors not only account for migration to Morocco from sub-Saharan Africa, but also for movements out of and within the country, especially to the major coastal cities. With the severe impacts of climate change expected to ...
Tags: Research, Climate Change Adaptation