Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in Emergencies: Lessons Learned and the Way Forward

Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services are critical in the aftermath of emergencies such as natural disasters, disease outbreaks, and violence. In this E4C Webinar, Daniele Lantagne, Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Tufts University discusses common emergency response measures to treat drinking water. The talk touches on successes, failures, lessons learned and the need for the development of new innovations to reduce the disease burden in emergencies.

Sean Furey, Water and Sanitation Specialist at the Skat Foundation, moderates the talk.

View this recorded webinar to learn about:

*Common emergency response interventions to treat drinking water
*Water quality tests and treatment techniques
*Failures, best practices and development of new WASH methods and technologies

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